
Please note

TS = Tank_Statistics array
n = Location index number of tank

Calculating Location Statistics for Tanks

Entries = TS [n, 4]

Avg. Time per Entry = (not applicable)

Avg. Contents = TS[n,3] / Scheduled Time

Max Contents = TS [n,5]

Current Contents = TS [n,1]

Utilization=100 x TS[n,3] / (Capacity x Scheduled Time)

Calculating Location State Statistics for Tanks

%Operation = 100 x TS[n, 8] / Scheduled Time

%Setup = 100 x TS[n, 9] / Scheduled Time

%Idle = 100 x TS[n, 7] / Scheduled Time

%Waiting = 100 - Sum of other percentages

%Blocked = 100 x TS[n, 12] / Scheduled Time

%Down = 100 x TS[n, 13] / Scheduled Time

To gather statistics on how much of a particular product was processed, you may define variables to record product processing during the simulation.